Thursday, February 16, 2012

So...let's talk hairpieces...

So since I'm doing an enchanted forest fairytale wedding, I've opted out of a veil and instead chosen to wear a flower crown. Problem is...there are so many and I don't know which to choose...

I THINK I like the third one, but not sure...I've also decided on a hairstyle it'll be something like this...
but not pulled back in the same manner, or maybe like this...

One thing is certain...I'll definitely be needing extensions, haha.


So I finally chose a venue!! And the winner is...

SAMUEL'S GRANDE MANOR!!!  It's elegant but not gaudy and the menu for the buffet is's the menu...

that's def the package I'll be doing.

Yay! <3

Sunday, February 12, 2012